Thank you for your support Toronto

Thank you for your support Toronto


In the wake of the crisis of Covid-19 and our hopefully temporary shutdown, I would like to pause and say thank you to our customers on behalf of team TF. It is an honour and privilege to do what we do here. Thank you for letting us dress you for the past 6 years!  Not having our warm and beautiful cove of a store to host you feels strange, but we do have our website, and our social media and our community support.


We are forever grateful for the support of our amazing friends, family and customers at this time. While there is so much uncertainty around what the future holds, we appreciate those who have been messaging, following our social media and shopping with us online. All of it is so meaningful at this time.


While we are closed we have local deliveries available when you select in-store pickup on your purchase and we always have $10 shipping within Canada.  We are forever grateful for the opportunity to be able to brighten your day.


Our current plan is to try to weather the storm so we can be there for you when it breaks. We will have to see how this goes, but one thing is for sure, our store is lonely without all of our beautiful clients.


Until we meet again our website is stocked and ready! Follow our social media posts so you can see what we're up to, @threefatesshop will be updated constantly so you can see all of the goods we have. 


With Love, 

Robin (on behalf of the Three Fates team) 



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